Chen Hongjia

Ph.D. Student at Wuhan University


About me

I am now a Ph.D. student in Signal and Information Processing at Electronic Information School (opens new window), Wuhan University (opens new window).

Currently, my research focuses on remote sensing image change detection, computer vision, and deep learning. [Github (opens new window)] [ResearchGate (opens new window)] [GoogleScholar (opens new window)]

I'm very interested in technology, so I want to be a KOL of the tech world. If you want to know more about me, why not follow me in Zhihu (opens new window), Weibo (opens new window) and LittleRedBook (opens new window)?


  • Ph.D. student in Signal and Information Processing, Electronic Information School, Wuhan University
    Sep. 2022 - Present
  • M.S. degree in Information and Communication Engineering, Electronic Information School, Wuhan University
    Jun. 2022
  • B.Eng. in Electronic Information Engineering, Electronic Information School, Wuhan University
    Jun. 2019


  • [Sep. 2022] Begin Ph.D. study in Collaborative Sensing Lab (opens new window) @ Wuhan University
  • [Jun. 2022] Received M.S. degree in Information and Communication Engineering @ Wuhan University
  • [Jun. 2019] Received B.Eng. in Electronic Information Engineering @ Wuhan University


Lately, I've been really eager to make a dataset for multi-temporal change detection. Or should I consider developing a labeling tool first?


  • SRC-Net: Bitemporal Spatial Relationship Concerned Network for Change Detection
    > Chen Hongjia, Xu Xin, Pu Fangling
    IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (JSTARS), 2024
    [Paper (opens new window)] [Code (opens new window)]

  • Crop Segmentation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery Using Edge Enhancement Network
    > Li Jinwen, Pu Fangling, Chen Hongjia, Xu Xin, Yu Yao
    IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (GRSL), 2024
    [Paper (opens new window)]

  • Night vision self-supervised Reflectance-Aware Depth Estimation based on reflectance
    > Yu Yao, Pu Fangling, Chen Hongjia, Tang Rui, Li Jinwen, Xu Xin
    Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2023
    [Paper (opens new window)]

  • A2DWQPE: Adaptive and Automated Data-driven Water Quality Parameter Estimation
    > Hu Yiyun, Pu Fangling, Kong Chuishun, Yang Rui, Chen Hongjia, Xu Xin
    Journal of Hydrology, 2023
    [Paper (opens new window)]

  • RDP-Net: Region Detail Preserving Network for Change Detection
    > Chen Hongjia, Pu Fangling, Yang Rui, Tang Rui, Xu Xin
    IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS), 2022
    [Paper (opens new window)] [arXiv (opens new window)] [Code (opens new window)]

  • WHUVID: A Large-Scale Stereo-IMU Dataset for Visual-Inertial Odometry and Autonomous Driving in Chinese Urban Scenarios
    > Chen Tianyang, Pu Fangling, Chen Hongjia, Liu Zhihong
    Remote Sensing, 2022
    [Paper (opens new window)] [Dataset (opens new window)]

  • 3D Pavement Data Decomposition and Texture Level Evaluation based on Step Extraction and Pavement-Transformer
    > Chen Hongjia, Zhang Dejin, Gui Rong, Pu Fangling, Cao Min, Xu Xin
    Measurement, 2021
    [Paper (opens new window)]


  • 座学问APP
    Chen Hongjia
    A program for reserving seats in Wuhan University library, based on Flutter. [Code (opens new window)]
    Feb. 2023, Flutter

'EI Young' Wechat Mini Program

Chen Hongjia

WeChat Mini Program for WHU-EISer's campus life. Won 1st Prize in 2018 China College computer competition - WeChat Mini Program Application and Development Competition, Central China Division

Aug. 2018, Python, WeChat Mini Program

Intelligent Object Detection Robot

Liu Tangbo, Xu Feifei, Chen Hongjia

This robot can search and fetch things from a completely unknown environment with voice interaction. Won 2nd Prize in Undergraduate Electronic design contest - 2018 Embedded System Design Invitational Contest (Intel Cup)

Technical: Obstacle avoidance, Path crui, Caffe Mobile-Net

Jul. 2018, Python, Laser Radar, UPSquared

Facial Emoji Generation

Wang Ziqiao, Sun Jingwei, Chen Hongjia, Duan Lin

Facial emoji generation based on facial expression recognition. Final project for Digital Image Processing course, supervised by A/Prof. Yan Jia.

Jun. 2018, Python, Wechat Mini Program

Student Activities

  • 共青团武汉大学委员会 委员
    Dec. 2023 - Present
  • 共青团武汉大学委员会 基层团建指导中心 主任
    Oct. 2020 - Present
  • 共青团武汉大学电子信息学院委员会 副书记(兼职)
    May 2017 - Jul. 2023
  • 共青团武汉大学电子信息学院委员会 委员
    May 2017 - Present
  • 共青团武汉大学委员会 基层团建指导中心 副主任
    Oct. 2019 - Oct. 2020
  • 武汉大学本科招生宣传大使
    Jun. 2018 - Present

Awards & Honors


  • 第十六届“武汉大学十大杰出青年(学生)” 2024


  • 1st Prize of 2018 China College computer competition - WeChat Mini Program Application and Development Competition, Central China Division (Top 1%) 2018
  • 2nd Prize of Undergraduate Electronic design contest - 2018 Embedded System Design Invitational Contest (Intel Cup) (Top 10%) 2018


  • Huawei Scholarship 2018
    Rank in the top 5% of the school
  • Zhao Shimei Scholarship 2017
    Rank in the top 10% of the school

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Last Updated: 7/10/2024, 9:33:31 PM